but we're still here. And we haven't been lazy. We've blown the dust off some old tracks. And yes, we have been writing some new songs in the process. Titles? 'Make a Move', 'Beatnik', 'Last Man Standing', to name but a few.
And of course we've been fooling around a lot. Though we must say: some of the fooling around got pretty serious. It's hard work, playing these endless repetitive jams. In search of that final psychedelic spacedisco stunner to fill the gap between 'Tomorrow Never knows' and
'I Feel Love'. We haven't found that particular groove, not yet, but we're happy with the stuff we have found. Some of it might even appear on our album.
We still plan to get an album out. We know it's time to put our money where our big mouth is. We can't say when our record is coming out, but we will be spending some quality time in the studio next couple of months. We'll keep you posted. Promise.
Spider James.