Sunday, March 18, 2007

king james brown

Not a great Saturday for this Spider James' bassist and singer. Not great at all. Too much work and too less sleep broke me up. Aching head, sour throat and a small fever to complete the picture. And as Willem and Ted left our rehearsal Yesterday to go and see the brilliant LCD Soundsystem in Amsterdam, I went home feeling miserable and sad.
Our rehearsal was short, mainly due to my illness and Rob having to leave early, but it was a fruitful afternoon. We found out we can't kick James Brown out of King James. No matter how hard we try. We can, however, make James Brown - dead or not - freak out on fuzz guitar, shaking his hips on a funky drum and a mellow dream pop flow. That's must be worth something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.