Tuesday, July 10, 2007

a family affair

Born on the 7th of july of the year 2007: Juliette Suzanne, daughter of Maud Coppens and Pieter Kloos. The kind of news that brings a smile on your face, isn't it? We wish Pieter, Maud and little Juliette a wonderful life together. As for Pieter, we are really looking forward to another great weekend at The Void, september 1st.
We've sort of started our holidays. There's not too much going on musically speaking. Ted and Boyke are far and away; myself, I'm not doing much of anything really, except recovering from an exhausting '5 days off'. Which in my case were only three days... Really enjoyed Villalobos and Trentemöller, but not as much as I enjoyed a brilliant performance by Björk at the Westerpark. WJP loved the concert too as you can see on the photograph above.
By the way, behind him is Irma, his sister in law. Family business indeed.

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