Tuesday, December 12, 2006


While recording ‘King James’ and ‘All in Between’ last year, we tried real hard to make something that could please a large audience. What we desperately wanted, was attention; good press, some airplay maybe, definitely more gigs. We thought we knew just what had to be done, to make people actually listen to us. We were dead wrong. We ended up sounding like a clean, safe and therefore kind of dull version of Spider James.
We regained our self-confidence several months later, during the recording and mixing of ‘del Kinky’, a lullaby noir that sounds anything but clean and safe. We’ll be in the studio next Saturday, resuming our work on ‘Charm’. It fuses a good pop melody with weird, abstract sounds and has a great beat you can dance to. Yes, that does sound optimistic. But make no mistake, we’re not going down that road again. We'll keep our minds focused on the music instead.
Listen to 'del Kinky' at http://www.myspace.com/spiderjamesspiderjames/

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