Wednesday, January 31, 2007

all in between again

If you have read Yesterday's post, I may come across as being a bit too frustrated and over-critical about 'All in between'. Didn't mean to offend anyone and hope I haven't. I still think Saturdays recording's no good. But hey, shit happens. As I said: we've got a lot of different versions to pick our parts from. We've just got to get our focus back. What is this song about? How do we want it to sound? Difficult questions, but I do believe we're nearly there.
Tomorrow is February 1st. We're going to start the new month with something good on our weblog. Willem van Veldhoven has made an incredible mix tape and he wants to share it with you!
Worth checking out too: (Chris) Clark's new video. The song from last years 'Body Riddle' is called 'Ted'. A great name by any standard.

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